AI Narrated Podcasts for Publishers
All podcasts are narrated by a text to speech AI model. You provide the script for each episode. For script writing services or custom plans, please contact us.
A La Carte AI Podcast Episode
No recurring plan needed, although we do charge $8 per month for podcast hosting + a one-time podcast setup fee of $40.
40/ episode
- Up to 1,000 words per episode. – Add $20 for each additional thousand words.
- 24 hour turnaround
- Custom ad reads
- Distribution to all podcast apps
- Audio engineer for quality control
Weekly AI Podcast
One episode per week, longer episodes to contain the week’s top stories.
145/ month
- 4 episodes per month
- 12 hour turnaround
- Up to 1,000 words per episode – Add $20 for each additional thousand words.
- Custom Intro and Outro with music
- Custom ad reads
- Dynamic ad insertion
- Podcast hosting
- Distribution to all podcast apps
- Audio engineer for quality control
Daily AI Podcast
One episode per day, great for daily update podcasts with top stories, weather, and events
780/ month
- One episode per week day
- 12 hour turnaround
- Up to 1,000 words per episode – Add $20 for each additional thousand words.
- Custom Intro and Outro with music
- Custom ad reads
- Dynamic ad insertion
- Podcast hosting
- Distribution to all podcast apps
- Audio engineer for quality control
Other Podcasting Services
Podcast Consulting
Monthly Consulting Call
/mo- A monthly deep dive strategy call to discuss podcast concept & strategy,
- episode flow and formatting, branding, host coaching, episode brainstorming, progress from last month, etc. all with the objective of creating a revenue generating podcast for your organization.
- Each month’s call includes a detailed follow up email with highlighted action items and links to resources.
- We ask for a 6 month commitment for these calls.
À la carte Podcast Services
Additional services, contact us for pricing.
- Audio editing
- Noise reduction
- Guest volume matching
- Video editing
- Podcast hosting
- Distribution to all podcast apps
- Show notes writing
- Podcast art
- Advertisement creation
- Dynamic ad placement
- Guest booking
- Social media clip creation